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Hope For All Of Us Who Are Not Morning People

Dear Friends,

I am not a morning person. Which is why, most mornings, you will not find me jumping out of bed, excited to tackle another day. Usually, I stumble to the kitchen to make coffee, thinking about all the things waiting for me at the office, the church, and home. And all-too-often, as I stand there sipping my first cup of java, I find myself feeling discouraged and overwhelmed by all the day holds - even though the day is only 10 minutes old.

I don’t think I’m alone in this struggle. It seems to be a normal human trait that, as we move through the rhythms of life, we often feel the overwhelming strain of the endless amount of expectations set on us. But this is certainly not the life that we have been called to as followers of Christ. Instead, we have been promised a life of abundance. In John 10:10 Jesus makes this clear, as He tells us: “My purpose is to give a rich and satisfying life.” God created us to be joyful and satisfied people - and we can get there through the power of His Holy Spirit.

Phillipians 4:13 makes that clear, as the Apostle Paul promises us that we can, “do all things through Him who strengthens me.” When we follow the Lord with all our heart, He will provide for us - giving us joy and energy in serving Him, whatever the day brings our way.

So today, if you’re feeling tired and overwhelmed by all the things you have on your plate, remember that, while God won’t always take those things away, He WILL give us what we need to walk through them. He offers to give us the joy, the wisdom, and the strength to do what He has put before us. So let’s turn to Him, and accept all that He offers us. Let’s humbly submit to the power of His Holy Spirit at work in us as we keep moving forward to the life He’s calling us to walk out.



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