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The Truth About Tunnels

Dear Friends,

Earlier this week I had to visit Urgent Care for an ear infection. As I sat in the lobby waiting to be called back, I noticed a copy of an old National Geographic magazine on a nearby table. On the cover was a picture of an abandoned chateau at the top of a steep cliff in France. The picture really grabbed my attention, so I picked up the magazine and quickly turned to the article to see what the story was behind the striking picture on the cover.

It turns out that the chateau was built by a wealthy landowner in the early 1500’s. I was amazed to read that deep in the rock beneath the chateau there is a network of tunnels and chambers that had been dug hundreds of years before the chateau was built by people who had decided to live inside the rock. Historians aren’t exactly sure who these people were, but they carved separate “rooms” for their grain, their animals, and their families to live in, and then these "rooms" were connected by a complex network of tunnels. It was a brilliant idea; as long as these folks stayed in their “rock homes” they were completely safe from their enemies who wanted to steal from or harm them. So by staying in their "rock homes" their food and provisions were secure, and so were their children. They only became vulnerable if they decided to leave that place of safety.

As I read their story I was reminded that, as Christians, we also have a place of complete safety and security - and that place is in Jesus Christ, our Rock. David makes this point in Psalm 18:2, where he writes, “The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.” So not only is Jesus our redeemer, but He's also our rock. The challenge for us then is to consistently remain in Him, because if we don’t, the Enemy is waiting to steal, and kill, and destroy us (John 10:10).

So today, let’s look at where we’re “dwelling”. Let’s be honest about what we’re surrounding ourselves with, and where we're putting our trust and security. And if it’s anywhere other than in Jesus Christ, let's confess that to God - and then move back into the security that only Jesus can offer us.




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