Finding Our Way
Dear Friends,
This past week our family had the opportunity to travel to Galveston, Texas for a family vacation. On the way down, the highway we were using was closed due to flooding. The result was that we were left with a choice: sit in traffic for hours, or try and make our way through the back roads of Texas. We chose the back roads. The decision was a bit of a risk, as we don’t know the back roads of Texas. But we had our GPS, so all we had to do was put in the address of our destination, and then follow the turn-by-turn directions it gave us.
As we made our way into the unknown, I was struck by what an interesting experience using the GPS is. It confidently guided us off the major highway and onto smaller roads. Then it instructed us with all sorts of twists and turns. I was always careful to make sure to "bear right" when instructed to do so - and "turn left" when prompted. Eventually, we made it safely to our destination. It's amazing to me that a small piece of electronics can guide me across one very large state without a single miscalculation. As I got out of the car in Galveston, I was struck by how much trust I had put in that small piece of electronics. I had followed it's instructions without question. Even when my instinct was to go a different direction, I never questioned - I just simply followed.
The more I pondered it, the more I realized I could use a good dose of that type of trust in following God. Unfortunately, more often than not I question the way God's leading, or I second-guess His instructions to "bear right". It should be a fairly simple process, as God has given us our very own spiritual GPS - His Word. Psalm 119:105 describes it like this, "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." The directions we need for our spiritual journey are found in the Bible. It tells us how to have healthy relationships, how to handle our money, and how to set our priorities. It tells us how to be good children to our parents, and good parents to our children. It even tells us how to be good employees and good employers. The Bible holds the wisdom and direction that we need for navigating through this life. We just have to trust what it tells us about which way to go.
So today, let's listen to the directions God is giving us. Let's take time to open His Word and hear from Him. And as we hear from Him, let's respond in obedience, trusting Him to lead us safely on our way.