No More Leftovers
Dear Friends,
This morning I was reading in Joshua 14, and I came across the following statement: “I am as strong now as I was when Moses sent me on that journey, and I can still travel and fight as well as I could then.” (Joshua 14:11). This comment is made by a man called Caleb, who was 85 when he made that statement. So as someone who is “getting on in years”, the fact that Caleb could make such a bold statement at the age of 85 automatically makes him someone I look up to.
But more importantly than his physical stamina, Caleb was also a man who had amazing longevity in his relationship with God. And that’s what really makes him my hero, because that’s what I want in my life. I want spiritual longevity. I want my walk with God to be a long and fruitful one. I don't want my relationship with God to be one that starts and stops. So as I was reading Caleb’s story again this morning, it occurred to me that, if I want spiritual longevity, then I need to do what Caleb did. And what did he do? What was his secret to spiritual longevity? Well, it’s actually pretty simple - Caleb fully followed God. He gave 100 percent to God, every day, all day long.
The unfortunate truth of our lives is that all-too-often, when life gets diffiult, we expect God to drop everything, run to us, and take care of our problems. But when it comes to us making time to daily work on our relationship with God, there just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to make it happen. Now, don't misunderstand what I’m saying here, because most of us seem to have time for our favorite TV shows, and we certainly have time for social media, and no one can keep us from watching our favorite sports. However, when it comes time to read our bibles, or spend time in prayer, or volunteer at church, or help someone in need - our schedules are so full that we don’t have time to do those things. In other words, we’re not giving God 100 percent - we’re giving Him our leftovers. And it’s reflected in the choices we make about our time, energy, finances, and resources.
That's what’s challenging to me about Caleb’s life. From everything I’ve read about him, he consistently gave God 100 percent, and that gave him longevity in his relationship with God. So If I want the same thing to happen in my relationship with God, then I need to follow Caleb’s example - I’ve got to give God 100 percent of me and my life, every day, all day long.
And what is true for me, is true fo all of us. We all need to commit to giving God 100 percent. We need to give Him our best, and not just our leftovers. So today pray with me that we will all be like Caleb - that we will all want to fully follow God - giving Him our first and our best.