DMing God
Dear Friends,
Aren't you glad God doesn't ever take the day off? Think about that for a minute… what if we were in a crisis and we called out to God, and He responded with, “Hi this is God. I’m sorry I can’t take your call right now. Please leave your name, number and a brief message, and I’ll get to you tomorrow.”? I know that sounds like a silly illustration - but the reason it sounds silly is because we know it’s so far from the reality of who God is, and how He treats us. But unfortunately, even though we know that truth in our minds, the idea of God always being available is something we can and do lose sight of - especially when the worries of life seem overwhelming to us.
This was rolling around in my head this morning as I read through Matthew 8. In that chapter, Matthew tells the story of the disciples being in the boat with Jesus when a storm came up. The waves were tossing the boat about so roughly that the disciples feared for their lives. In their panic, the disciples call to Jesus, and He heard them, and responded to their need. So, even though He was tired, and even though He had just finished a bunch of exhausting ministry - Jesus didn’t take time off. Instead, He heard the cries of His disciples and did for them what they couldn’t do on their own.
That’s such a great reminder to us of the simple truth that God is always available to us. Psalm 121:4 puts it like this, “He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.” God never takes a break. So that means that not only is He always available for us, but He’s also always working - keeping His plans in motion for all of His creation.
So today, let’s hold on to the truth that God never takes the day off. Let’s look at all that’s going on in our lives - from the big to the small - and let’s remember that we can give it all to Him, because He’s available and listening and already at work.