Let's Get On With Life
Dear Friends, You may have noticed that there hasn’t been a new Plan B devotional in your inbox for several weeks. I’m sorry about that....
The Fatted Calf, And Other Necessities
Dear Friends, This morning my Bible reading took me to Luke chapter 15, which tells us the story of the Prodigal Son. If you’re not...
Hearing Aids
Dear Friends, This morning, I came to the conclusion that our dog has “selective hearing”. In other words, when he doesn't like what I'm...
Do Overs
Dear Friends, Last night as I was drifting off to sleep, I had the chance to reflect back over the day. As I did so, I quickly realized...
Running Off To Be A Rockette
Dear Friends, This morning my Bible reading took me to Philippians 3:14, in which the Apostle Paul writes, “I press on to reach the end...
Grandpa's Big Head
Dear Friends, This past weekend we had the privilege of traveling to the east coast to visit two of our children and all of our...
Root Canals And Other Fun Things
Dear Friends, This morning I had a dentist appointment to fix a broken tooth. As I pulled into the parking lot at his office I couldn’t...
DMing God
Dear Friends, Aren't you glad God doesn't ever take the day off? Think about that for a minute… what if we were in a crisis and we called...
Surfin Safari
Dear Friends, The summer after I graduated from high school my family moved to Huntington Beach, California. It was a fun place for a...
All Or Nothin'
Dear Friends, This morning my Bible reading took me to Joshua 14, where I came across the following statement: “I am as strong now as I...