Let's Get Giddy
Dear Friends, Earlier this week I was at a local coffee shop working on a sermon, and about halfway through my first cup of coffee a...
Humble Pie Can Be Tasty!
Dear Friends, Yesterday I had a conversation with someone from our church who is getting evicted from her home. This woman has made...
It's All Good
Dear Friends, One of my favorite Bible verses is Romans 8:28. If you're not familiar with that passage, here's what it says: “And we know...
Surfing The Mine
Dear Friends, If you were to spend 10 minutes watching TV with me, you would quickly realize that I am a habitual channel surfer. It’s...
An Easy Choice
Dear Friends, Do you think people would describe you as someone who is usually positive or negative about life? I’ve been pondering that...
Step By Step
Dear Friends, A few years ago I was diagnosed with cancer. So for several months I went to the same place every day for radiation. I...
Let It Go
Dear Friends, Today I have been reminded that God's timing cannot be separated from His will. The reminder came as I was reading two...
Water Parks And God
Dear Friends, Shortly after our twins were born, my wife and I decided to take all four of our kids to a local water park. I’m not sure...
Cinnamon Rolls And Jesus
Dear Friends, “I just can’t resist myself.” That’s what the lady in front of me at the coffee shop said to me this morning as she took a...
Reap What You Sow
Dear Friends, Lately I've been noticing how easy it is for people to judge each other. Whether it's the way people dress, or the way they...